A virtual and interactive exhibition

On Experiencing Maths.org, you will find interactive experiences, some of them inspired by the exhibition and realised at the request of UNESCO for the teachers of Secondary and High schools, in particular in the South country.

Dimensions, a movie about Mathematics, realized by mathematicians of Lyon who present the experiences of the exhibition Why the mathematics? in region Rhône.
Chaos, a movie for all public around the dynamical systems, the butterfly effect and chaos theory. Like Dimensions, Chaos is available in a large choice of languages.
It presents nine " chapters " of thirteen minutes..

Mathematics of Planet Terre, a new French-German exhibition who presents hand-on experiences on table and interactive movies on screen which.
You can visit it on the web site Imaginary.
A nice mathematics review for young people

Accromath, a biannual review who is produced by the Mathematical Institute and the mMthematical Research Center from Quebec and broadcasted by the Quebec University in Montreal (UQAM). It allows you to go farther on numerous subjects of the exhibition.
At time, it is only published in French Language.
A trilingual web site